Thursday, August 5, 2010

Feasibility study


Technical feasibility is related to the hardware and software that are used to solve the projects issues and problems to fulfil the task. The technical equipment needed is things such as access to internet, a computer, the blogger software (, websites that contain relevant and accurate information for our project as well as our text book. 

Organisational / Operational:

Time constraints that are faced with making this blog is that we have to balance it out with other school work that include other assignments, exams and homework, sport commitments, social life and the fact that we have part-time jobs that we must work around in completing this project.

There are no economic restraints due to free resources such as blogger and other relevant information that are also free for use. 

The schedule looks something like this:
Received on the 2nd if August and assigned groups
Set different tasks on the 3rd Augusts
Due in on the 3rd of September

Monday, August 2, 2010

Requirements Report

The aim of this group project is to inform viewers of the issues relating to Information Systems and databases. As viewers explore the blog they will be able to find a variety of information they need to know about the issues. Many tutorials are also shown on this site. The main tasks involved are to make an informative blog to teach the community. The hardware involved is obviously the external computer devices like a mouse and keyboard. The software used is the internet, the website "blogger", and microsoft excel (in some parts with graphs etc...). The main sources of data comes from the IPT wiki and the internet. That data is then processed into information, then outputted onto the blog (the system). The participants of this blog would be the direct users interacting with the information.